For who ?

This service of deco coaching is for you if you need original ideas to highlight one or more rooms of your home, and if you are ready to carry out all the steps essential to the realization of your decoration yourself (optimization of space, changes to be made, choice of product providers, shopping products, etc.).

My proposition

With this service, tracks are offered in the form of an inspiration’s board and a prescriptive note, to better understand :

A word from Elisa

“This is a creative boost, to help you get started, and create your own interior from these original ideas. You are totally autonomous for the following.”

Coaching déco planche

Example of an illustration’s board, “elegant atmosphere”

To sum up, this service includes:

  • A visit with statements on site (2h)
  • An inspiration’s board
  • A prescriptive note
  • An illustrated report by email
  • Price : 230€